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bible reading

16 months: Jan. 1st, 2023 - Easter 2024

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This is a 4 part Bible Reading Plan. Each part is 4 months long (16 months in total). You can take this plan one part at a time or all 4 in stride and be finished around Easter 2024. The way that this plan is designed so that you can get something out of it whether you can only commit to reading one quarter of it or if you can read the whole thing.

There are a lot of questions about the Bible. “It is a good read”, is what I've heard from some. There are arguments about its origin and authorship. Is it from God? Is it from man? Is it flawless (inerrant)? Is it relevant to help me?

Usually, the attempt to answer these points only starts a debate. Rather, I testify about what it has done for me. I share that it has never disappointed me. It is powerful and reliable (infallible) to help me through my life. It grants me encouragement, grace, mercy, as well as courage,
power, and strength. It infuses within my heart and spirit love, peace, joy, hope, belonging, acceptance. It draws me closer to the God I want to know, who works to form me into the kind of person I want to be. I do believe it is the inspired Word of God written through man but revealed
to me through the Holy Spirit who knows my heart and what I need each day. The Word of God does not return void (Isaiah 55:11). It deepens my relationship with Christ, and helps me manage my relationships with others.

Structure & Design:

The whole Bible is broken into four parts and spread through the course of 16 months. I selected a five day per week format. This is enough to establish a routine in our lives but grants grace days - to catch up or to study other material or any part in more detail.

*On a personal note: I’ve found it nice to hold off on the New Testament readings throughout the week and read those on the weekends. I find that it really helps to read larger chunks of a particular book at one point in time. If I only read one chapter of the New Testament everyday or every other day - I quickly forget what preceded and lose the ability to recognize the themes and concepts being presented by the authors.


Each part contains a theme and is relatively comprehensive - devoted to a particular theme. I’ve included one of the four gospels, that I feel best relates to the theme of each section, in each of the four parts.

Breakdown of
Each part:

Part A: Focuses on the Jewish background and themes (of creation and promise, deliverance and power, instruction and purity, journey and preservation of the first four books of the Pentateuch) which threads itself into the New Testament (as we look in the gospel Matthew which aims itself towards the Jews and the preacher in Hebrews who reviews the past in new light) and the new unity, freedom, joys, and instructions for discipleship in this mode of life with Christ (from the Pauline Epistles).

Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Job, and Proverbs
New Testament: Matthew, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Hebrews

Part B: Has a Primary Focus upon the Preparation for loving and serving God and being moved by the Spirit into a way of life and the use of gifts.

Old Testament: Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel,
Ecclesiastes, and Songs of Solomon.
New Testament: Luke, Acts, Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians.

Part C: Looks at the hardships and the joys. It looks at correction and renewal. Tearing down
as well as building up and reordering.

● Old Testament: 1 & 2 Kings, Psalms, Isaiah, Hosea, Obediah, Joel, Micah, Amos.
● New Testament: Mark, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, James, 1 & 2 Peter.

Part D: Is particularly focused on what has come, and what is yet to come. This is primarily focused on the prophets that look to the advent of Christ’s Birth, death, and return and what that means for us.

● 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ester, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel,
Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.
● John, Philemon, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation

There is no perfect Bible reading plan because the Bible is so interwoven, but I hope that reading through this plan will help to connect some scriptures and themes that you may have otherwise missed.

Celebrating our God in King in this New Year!
Pastor J.P. Snyder



253 S. Lisbon St.

Carrollton, OH 44615

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