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Africa University


Africa University

Africa University is the first and only fully-accredited institution of higher learning established on the African continent by action of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church. It was founded in 1992 in Mutare, Zimbabwe, at the request of African Bishops who wanted a university for the whole of Africa to foster intellectual, moral, ethical, and spiritual growth in its students. Because of the lack of on-campus housing, many students walk very far every day in remote areas to come to Africa University. Female students become targets for human trafficking and prostitution.

Roof Construction

Monthly Support

Ongoing projects


LeAnn Eyerman -Beyond (Taipei Taiwan)


Devin & Tia Tharp – Bright Side Youth Ranch (South Carolina)


John & Daryl Hersh – Tobin Center Chaplaincy (Lisbon, Ohio)


Ken & Kathy Keyes – SIL (currently living in Texas)      


Urban Mission – Coordinator Rev. Ashley Steele (Steubenville, Ohio)


Dr. Thane Ury – OMS International (Wilmore, KY)


Book-Link – ongoing collection of good, clean used Sunday School or Christian books/materials for Book-Link in Kentucky. Book-Link boxes and ships the materials overseas to third world countries along a coast.


Sharing Bread @ First Presbyterian Church, Carrollton – our church helps twice a year at this free meal ministry, which is held the last two Mondays of every month.


Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes collection takes place in November. Boxes are sent all over the world to spread the Good News.


Community Christmas Program – gifts are for Carroll County youth who are signed up through the program.


Lifeline Food Packaging for Haiti @ First Christian Church of Malvern.


The CARE Team – ongoing collection of items through Carrollton Schools to assist community families (specifically those with children in school) with needed items.

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253 S. Lisbon St.

Carrollton, OH 44615

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