ordinary people headed in a common direction
Virtual tours are a thing of beauty. We get the incredible opportunity to share about First United Methodist Church. And you, without a sales pitch from us, can see for yourself what our church has to offer! And…you can do that from the comfort of your own home, office, or laptop at the local cafe! Thank you for the privilege to introduce you to the people and to the ministry of Carrollton First United Methodist Church.
First United Methodist Church is made up of a group of ordinary people who are headed in a common direction. We are a diverse group, with varying levels of education and from many walks of life. What we have in common is the direction that we are all headed. We like to tell folks we are “Following Jesus…Sharing His Love.” In order to do just that, we make use of a directional process to assist each of us individually, and all of us together, in our common goal.
COME to Christ in worship! We worship at 2 different times on Sunday mornings. Our 9:00am worship service is traditional in style, complete with our chancel choir, hymns, and it follows the order of worship found in most United Methodist churches. Our 10:30 worship service at the Bridge, our satellite campus located at the Carroll County Fairgrounds, is casual and untraditional, complete with our live worship band! Come and see for yourself!
CONNECT with other Believers in fellowship. We have a variety of small group experiences available.
GROW in spiritual maturity through discipleship. Believing that persons grow in faith at varying levels, we are in the process of developing an intentional “discipleship pathway” to assist individuals at any and all levels to grow in the Christian faith and life.
SERVE others through ministry. Right now, we just want to serve you. If you discover that there are ways you would like to serve, we will be glad to help with that…down the road.
GO reach others with the message of Jesus’ Love. This website is just one way we encourage just that!
There are so many other things I could share with you, but I’ll resist that for now. I just want you to know that we will be ready when you get here, because we are expecting you! Hope to see you soon!

We are following Jesus and sharing His love by praying, serving and encouraging all people so they may be in a closer relationship with God.
Ephesians 4: 1-3 “Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling in which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
We Believe…
The Bible is authoritative for our lives as followers of Jesus.
Along with scripture, we claim tradition, reason and experience—the Wesleyan quadrilateral—as our guides for living the Christian life.
Christianity and United Methodists have recognized certain core beliefs. These can be found in the United Methodist Book of Discipline’s Doctrinal Standards and Our Theological Task, paragraphs 101-104. These are also articulated in the historic and newer Creeds accepted by our church. Core principles assist believers in their journey of faith
There are no accidents in the kingdom of God.
We have reason to celebrate who we are, and what we can become.
We are called to be “conduits of grace”.
Each believer needs to discover his or her unique S.H.A.P.E.
God has given us a set of “blueprints” for building His church (Ephesians 4:1-16).
Discipleship Board
Chair - Lindsey Hutchison
Lead Pastor - Kimberly Arbaugh
Member - Sue Pallaye
Member - Judy Markle
Member - Pat Roudebush
Member - Bill Krills
Member - Rick Hannon
Member - Bill Abrahims
Member - Maureen Stoneman